Friday, November 25, 2011

See editorial design and objectives

What is the editorial design?

Editorial design is based on dedicated graphic design publications in magazines, newspapers or books, being able to summarize a combination of text and pictures or rather a way to communicate, educate, train and inform.

This is definitely a publication of a unique product that reaches the eye as a form of visual journalism, "the editorial design is design that works with publications, magazines printed out the market more than once and usually have a distinctive and unmistakable generate a feeling "

Aims and editorial design elements

It aims to convey a strong idea inordinately emphasizing what we transmit to a target audience using appropriate words and visual elements so that attracts the reader's attention. It could simplify the way to clarify the information.

The role of editorial design

Editorial design can play various roles, give expression and personality, to attract and retain readers' attention ... all previously thought to success and taking into account that this is something constantly evolving.

Types of editorial design

There are different types of designs ready to lead the editorials of magazines, newspapers and supplements. Surely we can find in online versions publishing markets but the previously mentioned will be to lay the foundations of the others.

Newspapers and design

Newspapers are wasteful of communication machines that balance information from all possible sources provided in response to a particular editorial line. With a seemingly objective tone, clear and effectively intend to supply the entire population and trying a variety of topics of civic interest.

In this case, the designer must pay attention to the typography of the text, although today, the basis typographical newspapers are clearly defined. However, there must always be outstanding relationship, intros, illustrations, blanks and sequencing of the pages in the innumerable elements.

Rather than reporting on something the newspapers try to help understand the events that take place, although obviate content, usually satisfy the reader.

Among the different sizes emphasize the tabloid Berliner or sheet.


A type of independent magazines. With a very modern and striking.


Journal type added to the newspaper about a specific topic or section. Supplements give prestige to the magazine as one of the best work you can find the editorial design.

The actors

The relationship between the designer and the editor is very important to the success of editorial design.

Depending on the type of publication, number of persons constituting the editorial team and how to organize this, the individual roles of its members may vary.

"The best thing about working in a newspaper is the opportunity to do so with such a wide variety of intelligent and incredibly educated. The worst is the lack of control over the details. Most of the pages of a newspaper are not typeset well-trained designers. And that is something that art directors from magazines cost much to get used to us! "Mark Porter.

Director / Editor: Responsible for the content of the final publication. Works collaboratively with art director and members of the team.

Artistic Director / Editor Art: Responsible for the organization and prioritization of content, external assignments, items from the home, artwork and schedule set by the production manager

Head of Production / Production Editor: Oversees the physical compilation of all the material through the production schedule. The production manager is also responsible for drawing up, update and circulate the form. Works in coordination with the art department and the printer.

Its function is to control particularly any special requirements for printing.

Editor in chief, section chiefs, is responsible for the final correction of the tests for consistency of style, spelling and grammar.

Director of photography: Coordinates assignments to photographers and manages intellectual property rights of the pictures and responsible for the quality of all the photographs included in the magazine.

Work with photo agencies, libraries and archives of photography and reprographics companies.

Designers: They are responsible for the layout of the publication in accordance with the instructions laid down by the artistic director.

Head of study: Although not the least, not all companies have a studio head, this position resembles the production manager. Its function is to ensure compliance with the deadlines set by the agenda and that all the elements to set the page is where and how they should be.

Editorial Staff (editors and reporters) are people with more experience and years in business, have a say in matters of layout and design to ensure that the visual treatment of the text fits the content.

Advertising Department: You can have a great influence on the look of the magazine. Therefore, their impact can be decisive in the layout and pagination of the publication.

What qualities should a designer editorial?

"The art direction is not set headers or design grids, even get a nice mix of text and images. In its highest form, requires the artistic director has a complete and thorough knowledge of what the magazine says, and, by design, influence how you say "

The most important of all, fun. It makes sense to design a magazine if you do not like what it is. They need to work with good content for inspiration.

An editorial designer must be involved as much as the content director at the magazine, since its design is unquestionably an expression of his edition.

The reader has to understand the needs of its readers.


To make a brilliant publication is required to have energy and passion for the project to reach fruition. An excellent relationship between the editor and art director, as already mentioned, is vital.

Be prepared to work long hours, giving up weekends to send the material to the printer and start from scratch again and again, many tasks are added to this work.

Having vision is important. The goal is to make the best publication in the world. Ideas, ideas, more ideas, contacts and a head crammed with images.

The ability to create something from nothing: it's four in the morning and you have a story that had been allocated four pages, the text fits on one and there are illustrations in sight.

Constantly think about what you will experience the reader if the content is printed.

A tacit mutual respect, because nobody can do this alone.

The schedule and deadlines

Editorial design work is always changing so you must be organized. Good planning is essential in order to achieve daily tasks set to the creative process.

Publications can be daily, weekly or monthly.

Daily publication - is a pre-release work (special issues and regular updates):

Pre-release work (daily)

Editing work-(oversees the daily construction of each page).