Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to make a brochure to be really great?

All brochures have one thing in common between them, and a distinguishing feature at the same time,its creator, The graphic designer from passion to his craft, to make an excellent project is able to provide all that creativity to get the best results booklet.

The power of the brochures is very interesting, you can get unexpected doors open up, persuade, sell, write a story, change the perception of a company, is without any doubt an excellent tool for the world of communication.

Recommendation: Many entrepreneurs, managers or marketing communication, responsible for an assignment to a designer a number of qualities arguing about a service or product that is not really real, in the design a brochure advertising, we magnify, we can make our intentions, we can show our hand, but never under any circumstances use a brochure to argue a lie, a translating service or non-existent qualities of a real product, a brochure is a document that can have the same validity as a commercial contract, careful with our pretensions to increase sales, a lie applied to this medium can create major barriers to the credibility of a company

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brochure design, brochure design first steps

Thousands, millions .... Of brochure a daily invade the world in which we live, many think that the booklet came to an end in the Internet age, but from this post can be confirmed that the booklet is not dead and he still has a long life.

What would we do if in the future everything is digital, this technique may simply would value and we would much more advantageous value of other conventional pieces that we see in the network. Elegant, direct, and you can join us when we are not or do not want to be connected

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why we selected the company name as 4Points ?

There is only one definition of marketing. According to Philip Kotler, considered by many the "father of marketing," Marketing is a social and managerial process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services. Through its tools and strategies, marketing aims to make more known and visible a product or brand among consumers encouraging, from a few years ago, the great value that it has acquired Media Marketing.

The most important features of marketing are four, known in English as "4Ps" (4Points): Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

Is the set of tangible and intangible attributes that the company offers to the market, and represents the total benefits that consumers receive when purchasing.


The price is the amount of money the consumer is willing to pay for a particular good or service.

Includes all activities necessary to achieve a particular consumer product.

The Promotion is the set of activities to promote, advertise and make known to the market a company, its products and services.