Monday, November 15, 2010

Effective advertising at Ogilvy

Advertising is not dispassionate it is able to bring either stunning success or fail.

Some principles of effective advertising to be learned immediately:

1. In order for your advertising noticed, requires an idea, and not simple, but good High-quality idea. Will not have this, and your ads will stay hidden, do not work.

2. Text advertising is very important, but more importantly the rationale, argumentation. Development Any advertising begins with its justification, or rather - first study, and then develop.

3. Relevance - one of the main factors in the choice argument. Good arguments (for relevance) may be a quality product, price, fast delivery, safety in operation.

4. You advertise a new product. So it will be only once, so it’s when you are required to declare loud and clear, without equivocation. All that in a commodity is really new, it is imperative to point out. What is news is new? - What the readers do not know yet.

5. What question arises for the consumer, just get to know your commercials? - "How much will it cost?" If possible, include in the advertisement cost of goods.

6. Useful quality of your product can be fully understood only by a specialist or yourself, but not necessarily to the consumer. So do not hesitate to assert obvious. Show the product in action, tell them how to use it, show what place he might take in people's lives.

7. Think about how to implement a consumer's mind the name of your product. It should keep in memory, so do not be afraid of repetition.

8. Do not exaggerate, do not glorify your product the consumer is always skeptical configured and can turn away from you.

And now tell you more about the impact of advertising on sales of goods.

How to introduce your product to the consumer? It has been said that good advertising copy - it's good, but the argument - even better. For example, you advertising tool that moisturizes dry skin and at the same time a good clean it. How best to present this item? Cream for dry skin or a means for cleansing skin? How to submit a new product: a new species or as a cooked in new ways? On your choice depends on many things. In essence - this is your decision, precedes the development of advertising.

Soul of advertising as we know is the advertising appeal. The consumer should know what benefits he will receive from purchasing your product. After all, you promise that he will certainly receive the benefit. "If the product is not intended satisfaction of consumer needs or desires, his advertising, ultimately, must fail "(R. Reeves). Thus, in deciding how to present consumer goods, you take the second (and no less important) decision that you promise, and in what form. The greatest success you promise the promise of those qualities commodity in which most consumers may be interested in the subject of their usefulness and competitiveness. What unique qualities of the product, so, of course, the weight your advertising promise.

The winner is always the one who constantly directs its advertising to create a clear brand image. About 95% of all advertisements solve immediate problem, but the chain advertising each should contribute to a holistic brand image.
How to attract customers to the advertisement, what should be done to people remember it and, remember, act accordingly? Need ideas.

Quality and its image. If in the eyes of the consumer goods are a sample of high quality, prestige goods is growing. Incidentally, unattractive Advertising makes you think that product is not better.

You may have noticed that the majority of advertisements featureless and inexpressive, dull. Boredom does not attract anyone. Another thing, when you call the consumer pleasant feeling, captivates and ignites it, it awakens interest.
Creating advertising, it is very easy to fall into temptation and go on already trodden by someone the path that is to act on the pattern. As it is difficult it is better to exercise ingenuity. Never forget about the novelty of the goods: it is difficult provide anything more attractive than a novelty.

You should know how to present products for men, women, children, farmers, residents of North or South, etc.

Carefully organize the campaign. Do not attempt to embrace immensity. It is best to keep your entire campaign to a single intelligible message but all efforts to bring it to the consumer. Effective Advertising - Is the one that immediately attracts the attention of the consumer to the product.

Advertising campaign to be successful, must adhere common advertising appeal and a single image that will remain for years unchanged. The only way to create the effect of "snowball".

In developing the long-term campaign to visualize its purpose, the audience will learn well and develop a strategy.

Hundreds of advertising campaigns are held annually in the United States, and the goal they have one - profit. But the strategy is all different. The optimal strategy is only on research.

Identify the purpose and considering several intervention strategies, study audience that will be sent to your activity. Who are these people to which you are applying? Young or old? Rich, poor or middle class? Single or family? Their interests, lifestyle ...

All those involved in your campaign should be clearly understand its strategy. Do not proceed with the implementation of an advertising campaign, while not sure that all three elements (purpose, audience, strategy) we found their reflection. Plan your work will, of course, different from what we have here offer an example. But fourteen points, suggested below, you should consider necessary. Otherwise, your work will be unprofessional.


1. Your goal?

2. What do you expect from advertising (specifically)?

3.Provision for advertising. How much can you afford?

4. Dates that you want to survive.

5. Which media do you prefer: television, radio, magazines, newspapers or other?

6. Advertising rates.

7. What kinds of audience focus your advertising?

8. Strategy that is how you act.

9. Who will create your advertising?

10. Who will assist in the implementation of advertising on television and radio?

11. Who will assist in the implementation of advertising in print?

12. That you will use to scale campaign (T-shirts, booklets, Bags ...)?

13. How are you going to track campaign results?


1. Advertising should not be aggressive - campaign should not be confused with the war.

2. Beware of patterns.

3. Avoid anything that "smells bad". Questionable taste - just to the detriment of the case.

4. Do not tell stories of what not.

5. Do not skimp on the appreciation - the word "thanks" is always nice.

6. Monitor the results.

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