Monday, November 1, 2010

What is the secret to a good SEO?

The secret of a good SEO is not a secret. The best way to get on the first page of search results on certain keywords is optimized to favor a construction site pages, and a quality content that meets the needs of its target (and that will create natural way links from other sites).

Integrate SEO Upstream
In most cases a bad SEO, is the site itself, which happens to be the culprit. The elements of penalization are many: poor use of content, dynamic navigation in JavaScript, Flash entrance pages and more. Equally blocking factors for the robots of search engines.
The biggest mistake is to continue to try to develop a site based on traditional patterns. First, we believe technology by selecting the languages, the solutions of updates, signage. Then harvest the information often based on documents printed with a redistribution of content across pages. And finally, we realize the editing and final publication.

And it is only then that is concerned SEO and / or we find that the site is very poorly rated or non-existent at Google ... and hey, we decided to contact an agency specializing in SEO.

Yet it is far from the days when professionals SEO were able to optimize the result after the fact through satellite pages (doorway pages) or with investments of Meta Tags optimized. Today, website designers will also need to know the factors that facilitate the listing of sites and those that block because this is where he should intervene.

Ask yourself the right questions
If this knowledge is not acquired, site managers must work hand in hand with experts in SEM (search engine marketing) to ensure that all details are taken into account when building the site:

Questions to Ask Before Development:
  • What search engines are the largest in its market and what is their function?
  • What strings of keywords used by the target site are most popular?
  •  How is it that the site will be done technically and what are the implications for its SEO 
  • How are provided the names of pages and directories in the organization of the site?
  • What features are planned and how will they be integrated?
  • Who will write the content? And these persons have been trained for writing optimized content?
  • Are designers, producers and developers are aware of the importance of search engines on site traffic?
  • Who will validate the construction site?
  • Who will work on the application link partners?
  • Who will analyze the positioning of the site and provide optimization tips?
  • Etc. ...
In Conclusion
Getting a good ranking is not alone. Do not forget that search engines constantly adjust their algorithms and the only sites that pass through a reorganization of the results are those with quality content which are updated regularly and are built to "standards" on the web.

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