Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Protect your eyes

When a person works on a computer, a huge burden placed on his eyes. The following simple exercises will help you, dear readers, not only to remove the stress from working with computers, but also to preserve vision.

1. At the expense of 01.04 to close my eyes without straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1.6 is widely open your eyes and look away. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look at the tip of the nose at the expense of 1-4, and then move away to look through 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Without turning his head slowly to make a circular motion through the eyes of up-to-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-down-left-right. Then look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Keeping your head still, move the eye, fix it, at the expense of 1.4 up to 1.6 by right, then similarly down-right, right, right, left and right. Do move diagonally in one and the other side, moving his eyes directly at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Without turning his head, eyes closed, "to look" right at the expense of 1-4 and right on through 1-6. Raise your eyes up at the expense of 1-4, drop down by 1-4 and move straight on view through 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

6. Look at the index finger remote from the eye at a distance of 25-30 cm, and by 1.4 to bring it closer to the tip of the nose, then move gaze into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

7. Quickly blinked both eyes, then look away. Repeat 4-5 times.

Perform these exercises at the first signs of fatigue the eye, or just when will give free time - and your eyes will thank you. Yes, please tell us about these exercises to your children. If they're over and over communicate with your computer, such exercises will not harm them. Oh, and one more thing. When you work at a computer (or read - all the same) from time to time try to keep your eyes on the monitor. It often helps to prevent fatigue, or at least significantly postpone its occurrence.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is a "Corporate Identity?"

"Identity" - a concept introduced by theorists advertising. Abroad also used the terms "coordination of design," "Design look and feel of the enterprise", "system identification".

Style - a combination of methods (graphics, color, Plastic, acoustic, video), which provide unity to all products company and promotional activities; improve recall and customer acceptance, partners and independent observers not only goods company, but also all of its activities; and allow to oppose their products and activities of goods and activities competitors.

Corporate identity - an individual firm, made at Review.

Corporate identity - it means to build company image, as well as certain "information carrier", as the components of corporate style helps the consumer to find your product and your offer, forming his positive attitude to your firm, which took care of him, easing the process of selection of information or product.

"High" corporate identity indirectly confirms reliability of the company, as it ensures that the company complies with all apple-pie order both in production and in any other activity.

The concept of corporate identity is closely linked to the notion of image, as corporate identity - it is like a shell that is filled with concrete content. And this, full of the shell plus the activities Public Relations (PR) and create concept image of the firm.

When should you develop a corporate identity?

There are two opinions about when to develop your own Corporate Identity:

* as soon as they formed the firm;
* the accumulation of sufficient funds and securing sustainable activities.

It would be better to say that corporate identity should be given attention ever since the first days of establishment of the firm.

You register your company with a certain name, the name of the company - Has the support of a certain style. Then - you order a print company, which represents shriftograficheskuyu composition and may be a carrier of corporate style ... and so on, at every step to build your company you meet with dilemma: to think about branding by bringing in what you create or postpone this headache for later?

In fact, if you are not paying attention to the creation of corporate style of his enterprise, style, still emerging, other words - you create in this case, bad style. The longer it lasts, the harder it will be corrected.

How to build work on the development of corporate identity?

So, to start the firm, just declare them selves on the market?

Startups are hardly necessary folder with the company style, you can do the usual folders. But trademark (Graphic or verbal mark) with a mandatory registration is likely to be necessary, if the firm is going, so to speak, on a long voyage on the stormy sea of a commodity market and services.

Trademark or logo is the starting point for developing everything else. (As developed a trademark? Look in the "creative kitchen, "the designer here). Labeled brand names your business deals do not remain faceless. So the next step is a form business writing and the scheme layout of your ad (with trademark). If you later change the circuit layout of the advertisement or brand colors - Still your trademark will remain and will remind customers and partners about your firm.

During the formation of corporate identity can adhere to the following principles. First - select all, create a certain image through the development of stile is constants, and then (if necessary) to develop new components of corporate identity and make certain it supports. Most important in the phase-ordering or manufacturing elements and carrier branding - It's still withstand a single style that would work on a selected image of the company.

For the development of various media corporate identity better use the services of the same advertising agency. This the surest way to achieve unity in the performance of all elements and media corporate identity. Later, when the basic set of media branding will be developed, you will be able to manufacture them and use the multiplier services of different agencies and printers.

"Identity" in the narrow and broad sense

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of corporate style is interpreted in the narrow and broad sense.

Under the brand name style in a narrow sense means the combination of trademark (and its inherent color), and its use Securities and advertising appeals (see example: logo and its use in the design form of business letters and business cards).

Most firms are limited to just the narrow notion of corporate style.

Corporate identity in the broadest sense - is the use of common principles of design, color combinations and patterns for all forms of advertising (print, on radio, television) business papers, technical and other documentation office, packaging products, and, sometimes, and clothing of staff.

It is likely that the firm has just started its activities will not be able to reach the fullness of the phenomenon of corporate identity. On the other hand, began to operate in the market without the specific attributes of corporate identity, company miss the required time, postponing until later the formation of a consumer company's image. Moreover, a certain "promotional basis, the accumulated firm will be forfeited, as later, finding, na5konets style on the market there like a completely different company with a different "face".

What are the main components of corporate identity?

We give the approximate components of corporate identity:

* word mark;
* graphic trademark;
* colors;
* corporate font;
* corporate unit;
* circuit layout;
* slogan;
* formats of publications;
* advertising symbol of the company;
* audio firm.

Clarify some of these concepts.

Verbal trademark - Usually assumed that this company name, made some graphic manner, unusual, memorable font. In fact, it's not quite true. Distinctive features of the verbal sign lie in its verbal construction, ie a combination of letters. Graphic tracing letters when it does not matter (otherwise - it will be graphic, but not verbal sign). It is important to note that a combination of letters verbal sign must form just a word, and not just be unpronounceable combination thereof. This may be known or a new word. It is important that the word meets the criteria of novelty and patentability in respect of certain goods or services.

Here is a typical example, as described above. A combination of letters "Thielen" represents a word that meets the criteria of novelty and patentability with respect to a specific list of goods and services and because can be registered as a verbal trademark (logo). In this case, to be registered as a trademark can be zyavleno word "Thielen" as such, without giving him a specific graphic tracings. Attaching the word "Thielen is additionally a variety of graphics, color and style characteristics, the designer does not change the word and therefore does not alter the inherent novelty and protect ability. Over what works as a designer? In fact, he develops graphic mark, mainly based on the composition shape of the letters forming the word "Thielen." It solves the problem of the graphic branding on the basis of the word. The resulting original graphic composition can be registered as a graphical mark.

Graphic trademark - Is any image that meets criteria of novelty and patentability in respect of a specified list of products and services, and duly registered as a trademark addressed to a specific owner (or group).

Colours. Color is a powerful tool for identifying and can therefore be used as an essential component (trailblazing constant) as in the construction of the actual mark or logo, as well as to establish a system brand or corporate identity (see example). For registration and verbal graphic trademark select certain colors, which in combination the first item and create a certain image.

Developing corporate colors, to consider the possibility of printers for printing: newspapers, for example, transmit only the basic colors, or use two options: color (with a complex range of colors) and black and white.

Original font. For registration of printed products can be selected a specific font.

Corporate block may include a trademark, company name, e-mail, bank details, list of goods and services, advertising symbol of the company, slogan. In the corporate unit may include all of these elements or only some of them. Corporate block is useful in many situations: from the design firm forms prior to making packaging products.

The scheme layout may include a layout of the entire

printed materials. It is particularly important for firms to have the scheme layout print ads. Used constantly, familiar to buyers form layout advertisements are much increased visibility and memorability of advertising ad.

The format of publications. On all printed material can be extended particular, the original format, which also contributes to a better recognition information and promotional materials.

Slogan - a short phrase, the motto of the company or product. This verbal advertising symbol of the company. which gives it an exceptional value as an element or image advertising funds.

Advertising symbol of the company - a certain character or image acting on behalf of the firm in advertising and other (eg PR) activities. This may be representative of the flora, fauna or Homo Capiens in an amusing image. (See example - advertising symbol smstemy trade - the gold bull).

Audioobraz - a musical phrase, song, a few notes for voice or musical instruments, the combination of certain noises, employees as if the identification mark of the company in radio and telerolikah.

In fact this brand, decided audio facilities. The main function - the same as that of the graphic sign of the firm - identification. Strictly speaking, audio company should have all the criteria of the logo and perhaps, according to the law on trademarks registered as such. (see details).

Often, audio firm uses audio slogan: specific, staging solution audio facilities company slogan (see above: slogan), which gives him appeal, memorability. The difference between audio and audio slogan only that Slogan it audiointerpretatsiya verbal expression, and audio an independent sound image associated with the firm (and the law mounted behind it by registration.)

What is a "carrier branding?"

Using the components of corporate identity as "building blocks" or modules, you can specify corporate identity in virtually everything that somehow relevant to the activities of the firm. Bearers of corporate identity can be:

Attributes of business activity:

* printing company;
* company letterhead;
* envelope;
* letterhead different types of documents;
* business card;
* folder - the registrar (cover) (see example)
* price tag, label, (see example)

All forms of advertising:

* press advertising;
* radio and television advertising;
* stand;
* advertising on vehicles;
* outdoor advertising;

Means of identification, orientation:

* Index of travel;
* Indices location
* direction signs
* sign
* doorplate
* badge, patch;
* clothing of staff;

Prduktsiya firm and its means of packaging, design, maintenance, implementation

* prodkutsiya
* packing
* wrapping paper (see example)
* Labels and stickers
* supporting documentation
* Operating Instructions

Attributes presentations, PR-companies

* prospectus;
* information sheet;
* booklet;
* Calendar
* poster;
* pennant;
* souvenirs;
* clothing of staff;
* bags, bags.
* Advertising and Corporate Identity

Corporate identity helps to achieve a certain unity in advertising, ordered even different artists, which increases its effectiveness.

Bearers of corporate identity can serve all forms of advertising.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Advertising effectiveness. Motto.

Effective may be considered such ads, which immediately also attracts the attention of the consumer. While working on commercials D. Ogilvie recommends the following principles and techniques:

Here are some of them:

• It is not necessary to register trademark in a specific color scheme. Legal protection extends only to those specific colors, while the supply of sign in black and white cover any of his performance in color;

• watch out for reproducibility, avoid small parts that merge with printing or any other reproduction;

• think carefully about color, composition, location of sign, so that He, along with packaging of goods to create a single memorable image.

Motto (slogan) - Shock line advertising, a short slogan, a short trope, or, as we have said, "battle cry" of the firm

All have become accustomed to such typical slogans:

• Melts in your mouth, not in their hands;

• STIMOROL - unique steady taste;

• Nowhere except in Mosselprome (Mayakovsky);

• Good to the last drop - the motto of the company Maxwell House since 1873;

• TEFAL: you are always thinking about us, etc.

We recall two basic objectives motto - to ensure consistent advertising campaigns and summarize key theme or idea, associated with the product or the company name. For example, the bag with crispy potatoes reads: "It's hard to eat just one!". The motto does not carry information for the consumer, but it creates emotional, subconsciously shaping attitudes to the manufacturer and advertised products. Good Slogan easily remembered, and hence in the brain Consumer laid sustainable positive attitude to the firm.

The motto of the good of its functionality. The same shock phrase can be used in television commercials, billboard advertising, newspaper ads, and even on product packaging or in a store window. This kind of "information Message eye purchaser. " That is why the motto is regarded as one of the permanent identity elements, along with trademark and company name.

Note that the slogan, in contrast to a trademark may vary with time. Coca-Cola Company over 100 years of existence has changed the slogan 98 times, and Trademark - never. Advertising and motto reflect the zeitgeist.

It is very difficult to formulate rules of good writing slogans. After all, even taking the same recipe, a wonderful hostess cake while the other received only a miserable likeness. Nevertheless, remember: the motto should be be clear, short, easily pronounceable. It is desirable to coordinate the rhythm of the motto with the product, use onomatopoeic features of the language, as well as the principle of pun, such as: Knorr - tasty and fast.

Make an attempt to mottoes grouped as follows:

1. Using friendly words and promises of good. You'll be pleasantly surprised affordability of our prices. User-friendly world of hotels.

2. Repetition of the same letters in each word of the proposal. "Day" - makes good. It's time to drink beer.

3. Repetition of words, sentences and their parts. It is easy to buy - easy to fly away. Sell millions - appeal to millions.

4. Use of uppercase letters, digits, graphic characters. Remember the beautiful pill RFP. Ramis II - a leader in the design.

5. The desire for simplicity and brevity. Mind and beauty: "Olivetti". Strength and Grace: Firm And Bu-Ai.

Ads consist of a set of elements (components). Now is the time to understand their purpose and capabilities to this end, we consider first major. These include the title, illustrations, subheadings, the primary text echoes the phrase, mottos (slogans), trademarks (logos) codes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Effective advertising at Ogilvy

Advertising is not dispassionate it is able to bring either stunning success or fail.

Some principles of effective advertising to be learned immediately:

1. In order for your advertising noticed, requires an idea, and not simple, but good High-quality idea. Will not have this, and your ads will stay hidden, do not work.

2. Text advertising is very important, but more importantly the rationale, argumentation. Development Any advertising begins with its justification, or rather - first study, and then develop.

3. Relevance - one of the main factors in the choice argument. Good arguments (for relevance) may be a quality product, price, fast delivery, safety in operation.

4. You advertise a new product. So it will be only once, so it’s when you are required to declare loud and clear, without equivocation. All that in a commodity is really new, it is imperative to point out. What is news is new? - What the readers do not know yet.

5. What question arises for the consumer, just get to know your commercials? - "How much will it cost?" If possible, include in the advertisement cost of goods.

6. Useful quality of your product can be fully understood only by a specialist or yourself, but not necessarily to the consumer. So do not hesitate to assert obvious. Show the product in action, tell them how to use it, show what place he might take in people's lives.

7. Think about how to implement a consumer's mind the name of your product. It should keep in memory, so do not be afraid of repetition.

8. Do not exaggerate, do not glorify your product the consumer is always skeptical configured and can turn away from you.

And now tell you more about the impact of advertising on sales of goods.

How to introduce your product to the consumer? It has been said that good advertising copy - it's good, but the argument - even better. For example, you advertising tool that moisturizes dry skin and at the same time a good clean it. How best to present this item? Cream for dry skin or a means for cleansing skin? How to submit a new product: a new species or as a cooked in new ways? On your choice depends on many things. In essence - this is your decision, precedes the development of advertising.

Soul of advertising as we know is the advertising appeal. The consumer should know what benefits he will receive from purchasing your product. After all, you promise that he will certainly receive the benefit. "If the product is not intended satisfaction of consumer needs or desires, his advertising, ultimately, must fail "(R. Reeves). Thus, in deciding how to present consumer goods, you take the second (and no less important) decision that you promise, and in what form. The greatest success you promise the promise of those qualities commodity in which most consumers may be interested in the subject of their usefulness and competitiveness. What unique qualities of the product, so, of course, the weight your advertising promise.

The winner is always the one who constantly directs its advertising to create a clear brand image. About 95% of all advertisements solve immediate problem, but the chain advertising each should contribute to a holistic brand image.
How to attract customers to the advertisement, what should be done to people remember it and, remember, act accordingly? Need ideas.

Quality and its image. If in the eyes of the consumer goods are a sample of high quality, prestige goods is growing. Incidentally, unattractive Advertising makes you think that product is not better.

You may have noticed that the majority of advertisements featureless and inexpressive, dull. Boredom does not attract anyone. Another thing, when you call the consumer pleasant feeling, captivates and ignites it, it awakens interest.
Creating advertising, it is very easy to fall into temptation and go on already trodden by someone the path that is to act on the pattern. As it is difficult it is better to exercise ingenuity. Never forget about the novelty of the goods: it is difficult provide anything more attractive than a novelty.

You should know how to present products for men, women, children, farmers, residents of North or South, etc.

Carefully organize the campaign. Do not attempt to embrace immensity. It is best to keep your entire campaign to a single intelligible message but all efforts to bring it to the consumer. Effective Advertising - Is the one that immediately attracts the attention of the consumer to the product.

Advertising campaign to be successful, must adhere common advertising appeal and a single image that will remain for years unchanged. The only way to create the effect of "snowball".

In developing the long-term campaign to visualize its purpose, the audience will learn well and develop a strategy.

Hundreds of advertising campaigns are held annually in the United States, and the goal they have one - profit. But the strategy is all different. The optimal strategy is only on research.

Identify the purpose and considering several intervention strategies, study audience that will be sent to your activity. Who are these people to which you are applying? Young or old? Rich, poor or middle class? Single or family? Their interests, lifestyle ...

All those involved in your campaign should be clearly understand its strategy. Do not proceed with the implementation of an advertising campaign, while not sure that all three elements (purpose, audience, strategy) we found their reflection. Plan your work will, of course, different from what we have here offer an example. But fourteen points, suggested below, you should consider necessary. Otherwise, your work will be unprofessional.


1. Your goal?

2. What do you expect from advertising (specifically)?

3.Provision for advertising. How much can you afford?

4. Dates that you want to survive.

5. Which media do you prefer: television, radio, magazines, newspapers or other?

6. Advertising rates.

7. What kinds of audience focus your advertising?

8. Strategy that is how you act.

9. Who will create your advertising?

10. Who will assist in the implementation of advertising on television and radio?

11. Who will assist in the implementation of advertising in print?

12. That you will use to scale campaign (T-shirts, booklets, Bags ...)?

13. How are you going to track campaign results?


1. Advertising should not be aggressive - campaign should not be confused with the war.

2. Beware of patterns.

3. Avoid anything that "smells bad". Questionable taste - just to the detriment of the case.

4. Do not tell stories of what not.

5. Do not skimp on the appreciation - the word "thanks" is always nice.

6. Monitor the results.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Create a website

Do you remember the days when having a website was a necessary tool for every business? Websites were the wave of the future and dream of doing business online filled our heads with visions of revolution in the way commerce was conducted. With a website, a company could reach new customers and interact with potential buyers on a global scale. A website was indicative of a company's technological prowess, symbolic of the desire to innovate and evolve with developments in the industry.

Today, that mindset has changed dramatically. We all know that we need a website, but many of us think that the mere fact of having one is enough. In reality, there are studies that indicate that many companies active on the Internet have not hit their website for years. They have never spent any time improving functionality and appearance, and are still learning the basics of usability of websites and the potential of SEO (optimization for search engines). Although his "r, we all recognize today that a website is a vital economic asset, if done correctly. It is easy to observe that if your site is outdated, it serves you. Conversely, a well designed website can make all the difference. This is the first place users go to find information about your products and services, serving as a generator of contacts, CRM, and even place of business.

We've all heard the adage about first impression and it's no secret that it is the most important factor in how people will remember their first meeting with you or your website. On the one hand, a web site well designed and easy to use will present your company and your brand, leaving an impression with customers. On the other, an outmoded and inadequate you can do more harm it can help. Potential customers will eliminate you as a possible supplier after the interaction of your mark and the low quality of your site in minutes.

I'll use an analogy with real estate to illuminate this idea. Impress your visitors when they arrive in your home if it is clean, well kept, with manicured garden. Conversely, if they arrive in a house that collapses and decays, where the paint is peeling, and with weeds in the garden, they will immediately get an idea of who lives there . Is he lazy? Maybe. Or maybe he nat no time to care for her property. Anyway, the first impression is not positive. We all try not to judge a book by its cover. But online, a website is the front of a started, it represents the face in the digital world, so in this case you can not judge just on the cover.

Which brings us to the question you ask yourself: and my website in? By answering the following questions, you can find out if it is time to redesign your site, or to consider simple modifications. Or maybe it does not need to be worked at all. Ready to Learn?

Home page
  • Visitors can they immediately say who you are and what you do?
  • Your Site Is clearly organized, highlighting the navigation?
  • Your home page does give a first impression that prompts users to click on each link?

  • Does your images, videos and pages load quickly?
  • The coding of your site is it clean?
  • Does your site offers a search feature? If yes, is it quick and useful?
  • Have you done any testing as to whether your site is displayed correctly regardless of the browser used?

    Quality of content
  • The content of your site is it written in a clear and convincing? He speaks to your target?
  • Have you included relevant and useful resources such as case studies, white papers, articles and / or lists of links?
  • Does your content effectively describes your products, services and other benefits?
  • Is your content targeted to satisfy the users as well as search engines?

    Links and Navigation
  • First and foremost: Is that all your links work?
  • Links are they readily identifiable?
  • Your links do they use descriptive anchor text and incentives?
  • Your main menu navigation it is consistent and present on every page of your site?
  • Your Navigational gives access to your entire site?

    Critical pages
  • Do you have a page that describes your products and services?
  • Do you have a page About"That describes your business?
  • Does your page ContactIs clear, informative and thorough?
  • Do you have a page where users can ask questions and answer them?
  • Do you have a topic " Testimonials» ?
  • Do you have a blog that you update regularly?
  • Do you have buttons social bookmarking to take advantage of Web 2.0 ?

  • Your site is it organized so that information is easy to find?
  • Do you have a site plan which sets out the organizational structure of links to all your pages?
  • Your site is it "user-friendly (suitable for all users)?
  • Is your site easy to read and written content for the Web?
  • Do you use lists, securities and other stylistic elements to organize and present your content?
  • Do you "call to action" which intimately users to take desired actions?
  • Do you use style sheets (CSS) to control the layout of the site?

    Optimization for search engines (SEO)
  • Your site is it search engine friendly? (Suitable for search engines)
  • Have you optimized your site for specific keywords and relevant?
  • Have you built a campaign relevant backlinks and highly qualified?
  • Have you used online media relations and social media marketing for SEO benefits?
  • Your navigation menu does give access to your entire site?
In Conclusion
Now that you have answered all questions (not exhaustive), you must decide what you will do. Start analyze your competitors to observe what they do and make up for lost time. Then conduct a satisfaction survey with your users to know what they think of your site and what Specials and other feedback, do not wait, assess and respond.

Make as many changes as necessary to improve your website and become a real asset to your company, it shows that your Web presence generates contacts and sales necessary impact on your economic performance.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What is the secret to a good SEO?

The secret of a good SEO is not a secret. The best way to get on the first page of search results on certain keywords is optimized to favor a construction site pages, and a quality content that meets the needs of its target (and that will create natural way links from other sites).

Integrate SEO Upstream
In most cases a bad SEO, is the site itself, which happens to be the culprit. The elements of penalization are many: poor use of content, dynamic navigation in JavaScript, Flash entrance pages and more. Equally blocking factors for the robots of search engines.
The biggest mistake is to continue to try to develop a site based on traditional patterns. First, we believe technology by selecting the languages, the solutions of updates, signage. Then harvest the information often based on documents printed with a redistribution of content across pages. And finally, we realize the editing and final publication.

And it is only then that is concerned SEO and / or we find that the site is very poorly rated or non-existent at Google ... and hey, we decided to contact an agency specializing in SEO.

Yet it is far from the days when professionals SEO were able to optimize the result after the fact through satellite pages (doorway pages) or with investments of Meta Tags optimized. Today, website designers will also need to know the factors that facilitate the listing of sites and those that block because this is where he should intervene.

Ask yourself the right questions
If this knowledge is not acquired, site managers must work hand in hand with experts in SEM (search engine marketing) to ensure that all details are taken into account when building the site:

Questions to Ask Before Development:
  • What search engines are the largest in its market and what is their function?
  • What strings of keywords used by the target site are most popular?
  •  How is it that the site will be done technically and what are the implications for its SEO 
  • How are provided the names of pages and directories in the organization of the site?
  • What features are planned and how will they be integrated?
  • Who will write the content? And these persons have been trained for writing optimized content?
  • Are designers, producers and developers are aware of the importance of search engines on site traffic?
  • Who will validate the construction site?
  • Who will work on the application link partners?
  • Who will analyze the positioning of the site and provide optimization tips?
  • Etc. ...
In Conclusion
Getting a good ranking is not alone. Do not forget that search engines constantly adjust their algorithms and the only sites that pass through a reorganization of the results are those with quality content which are updated regularly and are built to "standards" on the web.