Sunday, December 25, 2011

10 tips for optimizing marketing strategies for small businesses on Facebook

Many recent studies show that small business owners mistakenly believe that they have no time, money or other resources to invest in promotions on Facebook. The truth is you do not need a Community Manager to develop this work, and invest much money or time, but with minimal resources we can make our presence on Facebook. How? Here are 10 tips on how to do it.

Manage expectations: We must be realistic about what we want for our approach to social networks is positive. We should not expect to have thousands of fans in the first month, but in much lower numbers. If we surpassed the mark, we will further strengthened and animated than before.

Take time: No need to spend all day on Facebook, or spend our free time. We just need to spend an hour a day for this, including answering emails or conversations with customers and fans. Learn everything you can from other pages and solve our doubts on the official site of the Facebook Help Center. This will help us understand and manage well this powerful social network.

Create a page, not a profile: not only is not permitted by the rules of Facebook, but the first thing we will add to our friends to profile them to a degree away, leaving only enough to invite fans to be our website.

Status Updates' fresh and funny one-liners encourage our fans to participate and once generated some feedback, we can throw questions to promote conversation.

Private conversations, thanks to send a message, reply always referring users to whom you are talking about and pay attention to requests that fans make us, is the key to building trust and enhance our reputation.

Do not spam. Mass messages are discarded. If you have something important to say, leave it on your wall that fans will see him.

Create promotions. Make a discount for customers who enter the page much power us, but we should not limit but every so often, it is good to launch a new promotion for fans who are permanently, to prevent loss of interest. Encourage the check-in. Mark on Facebook every time you're in your workplace, so users will be watching for developments that may arise.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The importance of Twitter for Marketing strategy for your company

For many of us, joining a social network is not too much trouble but companies are still looking for a basic foundation to be represented in them. If we consider the Harvard Business Review report made Analytic Services, we see that only 12% of companies surveyed are using social media effectively. As in any area of life, exploration and experimentation are feasible steps to enter the social media marketing But the key to success in social networks is the identification for the user of how a brand used by each channel. Once established, a matter of following the process of testing and refinement to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. For many companies, understanding the benefits and specific uses of each tool 2.0 represents a challenge and begin to cheer. Taking a quick look at all options, Twitter is presented as basic and essential service to our business. Why this network and not another? According to the above study, 75% of companies said they did not know what their customers were talking about them. This is where Twitter is more powerful by allowing viewing in real time with a simple set of search results. If we turn the dynamics and begin to engage and interact, we will provide our target audience much more material to begin to talk about us as well as enable us to understand the true essence of social networks: communication and rapprochement with the user .

A very important point to keep in mind: in Twitter we are human. If only our state update with the latest company news and press releases that you throw will not obtain significant results as users prefer to access our website or blog. Creative initiatives, upload pictures of events in which we participate or promotions are some actions you can take to achieve this goal. If you want to learn, Twitter is undoubtedly our tool, because just by typing a question we get many useful answers that will help us find answers. Our fans are always willing to help and answer our questions.

We should note one very important detail: the confidence to generate conversation and even, with the acceptance of criticism or negative comments, provided they are well-meaning, of course. Knowing we will accept them with our users, a high reputation

Friday, November 25, 2011

See editorial design and objectives

What is the editorial design?

Editorial design is based on dedicated graphic design publications in magazines, newspapers or books, being able to summarize a combination of text and pictures or rather a way to communicate, educate, train and inform.

This is definitely a publication of a unique product that reaches the eye as a form of visual journalism, "the editorial design is design that works with publications, magazines printed out the market more than once and usually have a distinctive and unmistakable generate a feeling "

Aims and editorial design elements

It aims to convey a strong idea inordinately emphasizing what we transmit to a target audience using appropriate words and visual elements so that attracts the reader's attention. It could simplify the way to clarify the information.

The role of editorial design

Editorial design can play various roles, give expression and personality, to attract and retain readers' attention ... all previously thought to success and taking into account that this is something constantly evolving.

Types of editorial design

There are different types of designs ready to lead the editorials of magazines, newspapers and supplements. Surely we can find in online versions publishing markets but the previously mentioned will be to lay the foundations of the others.

Newspapers and design

Newspapers are wasteful of communication machines that balance information from all possible sources provided in response to a particular editorial line. With a seemingly objective tone, clear and effectively intend to supply the entire population and trying a variety of topics of civic interest.

In this case, the designer must pay attention to the typography of the text, although today, the basis typographical newspapers are clearly defined. However, there must always be outstanding relationship, intros, illustrations, blanks and sequencing of the pages in the innumerable elements.

Rather than reporting on something the newspapers try to help understand the events that take place, although obviate content, usually satisfy the reader.

Among the different sizes emphasize the tabloid Berliner or sheet.


A type of independent magazines. With a very modern and striking.


Journal type added to the newspaper about a specific topic or section. Supplements give prestige to the magazine as one of the best work you can find the editorial design.

The actors

The relationship between the designer and the editor is very important to the success of editorial design.

Depending on the type of publication, number of persons constituting the editorial team and how to organize this, the individual roles of its members may vary.

"The best thing about working in a newspaper is the opportunity to do so with such a wide variety of intelligent and incredibly educated. The worst is the lack of control over the details. Most of the pages of a newspaper are not typeset well-trained designers. And that is something that art directors from magazines cost much to get used to us! "Mark Porter.

Director / Editor: Responsible for the content of the final publication. Works collaboratively with art director and members of the team.

Artistic Director / Editor Art: Responsible for the organization and prioritization of content, external assignments, items from the home, artwork and schedule set by the production manager

Head of Production / Production Editor: Oversees the physical compilation of all the material through the production schedule. The production manager is also responsible for drawing up, update and circulate the form. Works in coordination with the art department and the printer.

Its function is to control particularly any special requirements for printing.

Editor in chief, section chiefs, is responsible for the final correction of the tests for consistency of style, spelling and grammar.

Director of photography: Coordinates assignments to photographers and manages intellectual property rights of the pictures and responsible for the quality of all the photographs included in the magazine.

Work with photo agencies, libraries and archives of photography and reprographics companies.

Designers: They are responsible for the layout of the publication in accordance with the instructions laid down by the artistic director.

Head of study: Although not the least, not all companies have a studio head, this position resembles the production manager. Its function is to ensure compliance with the deadlines set by the agenda and that all the elements to set the page is where and how they should be.

Editorial Staff (editors and reporters) are people with more experience and years in business, have a say in matters of layout and design to ensure that the visual treatment of the text fits the content.

Advertising Department: You can have a great influence on the look of the magazine. Therefore, their impact can be decisive in the layout and pagination of the publication.

What qualities should a designer editorial?

"The art direction is not set headers or design grids, even get a nice mix of text and images. In its highest form, requires the artistic director has a complete and thorough knowledge of what the magazine says, and, by design, influence how you say "

The most important of all, fun. It makes sense to design a magazine if you do not like what it is. They need to work with good content for inspiration.

An editorial designer must be involved as much as the content director at the magazine, since its design is unquestionably an expression of his edition.

The reader has to understand the needs of its readers.


To make a brilliant publication is required to have energy and passion for the project to reach fruition. An excellent relationship between the editor and art director, as already mentioned, is vital.

Be prepared to work long hours, giving up weekends to send the material to the printer and start from scratch again and again, many tasks are added to this work.

Having vision is important. The goal is to make the best publication in the world. Ideas, ideas, more ideas, contacts and a head crammed with images.

The ability to create something from nothing: it's four in the morning and you have a story that had been allocated four pages, the text fits on one and there are illustrations in sight.

Constantly think about what you will experience the reader if the content is printed.

A tacit mutual respect, because nobody can do this alone.

The schedule and deadlines

Editorial design work is always changing so you must be organized. Good planning is essential in order to achieve daily tasks set to the creative process.

Publications can be daily, weekly or monthly.

Daily publication - is a pre-release work (special issues and regular updates):

Pre-release work (daily)

Editing work-(oversees the daily construction of each page).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Advertising to children, For or against?

Despite the importance of this sector of the population is charging for brands, there are voices for and against the exposure of children to advertising campaigns.

For example, Vic Strasburger, professor of pediatrics at the School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, states that children under seven years "are psychologically defenseless against advertising."

Matt Ritchell wrote an article for the New York Times in which he criticizes the online marketing strategies of some food companies to approach children and states that are responsible for high rates of childhood obesity.

The voices in favor point out that often the products advertised in a small language to have an educational use or are necessary for child development, such as diapers.

Because whatever personal position, the main thing is to maintain a constant vigil on the messages they receive the smallest in the home.

In a previous interview with Alto Nivel, Professor Aida Cortes of the School of Psychology at the University Iberoamericana said that "human beings are social creatures and it is certain that a screen does not replace the love and care that a caregiver can have with a child [...] is why we must be very aware of the content that children consume and what message they are giving. "

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Keys to a good search engine positioning blogs

Today 4Points wants to present what almost everyone has but almost no one question: The Blog.

This useful tool will ensure that we can gain a good search engine position as important and recognized as Google or Yahoo!. Therefore, we must make use of this tool used for creating, platforms like Blogger or WordPress.

Update your content in a simple and you can see through internal links, categories, tags ... you almost inaccessible positions in jobs for you years ago.

The blog is used as a "notebook" or simply attached to our web application. However, it is considered one of the most fundamental tools for greater web presence and complement to our website.

To create a blog, from H2E propose a number of features to be performed:

1. Pay attention to the domain name to create the blog: To create a professional blog, corporate or promotional, is important to insert it into our own domain. WordPress gives you this application.

2. A good result is synonymous with a good hosting: There are many free hosting presences, but Apply to this, all you pay. The payments are affordable accommodations, learn and play safe.

3. A good content for a good position: Navigating through the network, you will find hundreds of blog fattening copied by news websites or other blogs. To get a good positioning forget that resource. Create your own texts and reports will be enveloped in a cloud of followers. Update your content at least 4 times a week, and new relevant content, tag and label your title correctly based on the specification criteria and brevity.

4. Get links to the blog: As important is to get links to our blog and link to relevant sites such as Wikipedia, the country ... The best way to put a link is to use short titles and identification, because if you use very long links possibly can be positioned unwanted criteria.

5. Your blog on the net: One of the most effective in creating fan communities is socializing, a trend becoming more widespread.

6. Design based on the professional: It is very important to develop a large blog design usability for users. To this end, the agency 4Points, endowed with the best graphic designers can tailor the blog to their specific needs, creating credibility and trust in client and user.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Social networks, daily life and journalism.

It is increasingly common to hear people say that social networks have transformed many aspects of everyday life, for example, personal relationships, communication, exchange of views, etc.. However, to better understand the importance of the media we will examine two distinct areas: consumer attitudes and journalism.

Many studies show that social networks have become powerful weapons to guide consumption habits of its users. On Facebook, Twitter and other networks, consumers are increasingly curious about the tastes and preferences of friends. In addition, reference should be added to the strategic motivation web design in these networks. In this way, they discover a range of products and services that do not yet know. Besides the pleasure of discovering new products, consumers are increasingly often to seek personalized advice about what they would like to buy, and places of research, of course, are websites that offer assessment on goods and services uploaded by users, the comments of friends were the most heard.

On the Web, the social nature of consumption is expanding dramatically. Shopping is becoming a collective experience, yet consumers are not physically in the place of the more interesting compras. Today analyze the impact that social networks have brought about the world of journalism today are faced with the need to respond to the demands of a wide and varied audience, unlike the traditional, dynamic and begins to cooperate in the production of information. For example, we think of the importance they had during prostestas bloggers suffered in recent months in Africa.

Web 2.0 and the graphic design has generated a process of metamorphosis to the way in which millions of users, especially among younger age groups, search and locate information on the network. The young users do not read every page, even if virtual, an entire newspaper, preferring, instead, obtaining copies of the articles shared by the contacts themselves.

However, it is too early to draw conclusions about the future of journalism, but do not forget that many journalists in the media public sphere, have long been users of Facebook and Twitter to reach a potentially unlimited readership. It is obvious that journalism will never be able to be replaced. However, the biggest challenge of this work is to continue to bring new stories, verified and credible.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

As we know the performance of our ads. The competition analyzer.

Google Ad words service is one of the most used today to achieve notoriety in the network. This tool allows us ads for our company in a fast and easy.

Many people know the benefits of this service and make investments in Google Ad words. Thanks to this medium may know data like the number of clicks, impressions or CTR. What many clients do not know is the performance of their campaign against the competition.

Google Ad words offers a tool for a competitive analysis and determine whether the performance is good, average or poor.

For this study we, first, select a category from the list. Then we choose a criterion on which we will base our analysis, for example, impressions, CTR, average or the average position of our key word. After this step will appear as a result five segments, which we show the comparison of the performance of my campaign and the other advertisers.

Our position may vary, so this tool can know if the performance of our company is better or worse than our competition, from which we will never know his identity. See the results of the times you want to know how values are changing or if they have variations by making modifications to the campaign.

Therefore, the purpose of this tool is to know first hand the performance of our campaign, so that if the results are not optimal can take steps to improve them. For example, we adjust our advertising keywords based on their level of quality, your average CPC ... I mean, we can improve the performance of the keyword from the competition.

Another measure to improve outcomes supply is set correctly. For example, if you are new you can try automatic CPC bids for a few weeks to monitor their performance and then change to manual bidding, which allows you to define the bids and the level appropriate for your ads. It is also recommended to implement conversion tracking allowing you to determine the effectiveness of their ads and keywords in relation to business goals, but that we'll discuss in another article.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5 Tips to optimize the search result

The activity of the SEO professional should always be accompanied by good quality content. Here we show the five main points to optimize their content and therefore easier to find your articles and get a good positioning:

Quality of Content: Are you producing quality content? Or the content of your website has the same information found on other sites? These are just some of the questions that must be made to determine if the content is of quality. An original and specific content is the key to success.

Research the content and keywords: After you write good content, another key point is be careful with keywords, which are the words which it is assumed that users use to find your site. Using generic words or wrong can be the cause of not being tracked by search engines and not come to be located by users.

Use Keywords: After making the search for key words and selected if any, is very important to use the web page text, only then will increase the search results. How often do you use these words? It better not be misused too often repeating each term, we must be original and creative, Google is aware of the misuse of words do we detect it.

Content is striking: Good content will appeal to users and probably our website will be linked by them elsewhere. This tells search engines the level of interest, accuracy and reliability of Conversely, if the content is linked through the wrong words, users will leave a positive opinion about the site.

New Content: The updated content is very important, but not the only feature that determines the SEO. Refresh pages every day and add new content is a good habit but not enough to be in the first result. Google have developed a tool called "Freshness Query Deserve" and serves to better tracking of the pages.

For example, you can search that suddenly get very popular without a specific reason, Google see if the site has new content on the subject and gives a boost to the first lines. result is only temporary / provisional because after a week or two, if nothing is done more, our name may disappear from the first list.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Questions from a client to a SEO 4Points

Google raised in its SEO guide for beginners a series of questions that an employer should make a SEO audit SEO or agency before hiring their services. Our team of SEO and SEM department has responded to 4Points these questions to users and customers as required.

Can you show me examples of their work and the experience of your customers?
Yes We applied our methodology to 100% on our own website. All content of our 100 pages indexed is original. Try to browse our 4pointsblog

Do they follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines?
Our design and programming is enabled and has extensive experience working on guidelines Google. From the outset, we assume that our customers want indexed appear in google, so it is innate in every web project.

Do you offer any online marketing services or advice to complement the organic search business?
We have 8 years experience in communications and marketing strategies. In the last 3 years we have strived to compete in the design and SEO. In our portfolio you can find our long history of working.

What kind of results expected and in what time frame? How do you measure the correct operation of the site?
Our packages are designed for maximum results in a period not exceeding 12 months. However, knowing the market demands, we offer a method for the client SEO configure your project to meet your needs, including a deadline for himself.

What is their experience in the industry in operating my business?
4Points is a communications agency that has worked for over 3 years with companies in public and private sectors. Since dental clinics to regional governments rely on our professionalism.

What is their experience in the country and city where my business operates?
4Points has a network of clients and collaborators throughout India

What are the most important optimization techniques they use?
Keywords analysis and strategy
Optimization on page
Link marketing
Writing and content optimization

How long have you been in business?
More than 3 years who work indirectly with the positioning of web pages designed for our customers. We have recently consolidated within the agency, a SEO Department positioning exclusive projects.

How do we communicate? Would I would report all changes to my site and offer detailed recommendations and the reasons for these?
Communication with customers is the basis of a successful SEO project. Our periodic reports claim that the client is involved and is always up to date on the work done on their website. We will always be available to the client for any questions or suggestions.

Friday, March 25, 2011

One way to retain your customers by PVC cards

In your personal environment is not necessary to have a person in sight to remember or have you faithfully, but in the business world is very different, it is necessary that your company is always present, in one way or another, on all clients or potential clients.

A fairly well known and widely used of course, is by promotional gift, Which through a pen or a key chain for example may be present in your life. By this we ensure that our brand is always in your mind that at the time you need our services we can remember and count on us.

But now we can not content just to be on the minds of our customers have to go a step further and have the client come to us as common place, in other words, we spend part of their main suppliers because of the attention and the treatment over time, we call this customer loyalty and one of the ways to do this is to compensate the client simply be.

PVC cards are a good way for us to build customer loyalty by cumulative points for services performed to reach number of these points can get a gift or service to be carried off in this way only to present this card he points earned will be charged for each service contract, without any discomfort to the client such as saving coupons earned on each purchase for use in other loyalty campaigns. This makes it much easier to give a gift to a client without having to think he may like or how they can maintain.

In short, the card is an alternative PVC within all possibilities for a c This will be an asset to the company as it gives the customer the services they offer, which is ultimately what customers are looking for.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How to tell if a brochure can give good or bad results?

As our experience in brochure design is concerned, we detected multiple qualities that give us the distinction quickly. The main thing is to get an excellent design that meets all expectations of what communication is concerned.

Usability: It is very important this concept depends on what type of brochure designs, but do not forget that its main mission to inform, and if you present a client with a brochure on the size of a business card with all the information to a body of very small, may not be accepted, and if not, many entrepreneurs and graphic designers envision different perceptions of their clients and perform pieces with paper too thick, excessive use of ink uvi or simply the format of the brochure is excessively large. In the design of the brochure must always prevail effective adequacy and its content and format.

Design and produce a brochure should always provide a unique and emotional, as each client has different needs in each piece, each person to whom this prospectus comes must also feel that experience, we get to steal this valuable time to get results, a creative and a text (Copy) to tempt us to take it in our hands and is open to see inside, so we can inform you about the best way possible.

In our experience have been many customers who have achieved great results with this tool, including some I know and they are our main stories as they managed to sell or resell a product that had little chance in the market. From a dental clinic with this tool has been passionate about the world of communication and publicity measures each movement to large institutions that use of currency whenever they have the opportunity to show something.

The booklet is a unique and acceptable results in relation to costs, an essential part in many campaigns and promotions, and a national instrument for many years on the market and continue to cover the needs of many businesses and institutions.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What types of brochures are available? How many can identify categories of brochures?

brochure design have identified or categorized into the following categories:

Brochures for businesses

Product Brochures

Service Booklets

Brochures nonprofits

Brochures for educational and institutional

Self-promotional brochures

Brochures of events for activities, events, openings ...

Corporate brochures

One of the most common assignments for advertising agencies, graphic studios and creative studios are design and development of brochures.

Each booklet covers one type of need varies according to the order, can be designed with a conceptual style with sophisticated details, sleek, innovative design or simply with a classic or current.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to make a brochure to be really great?

All brochures have one thing in common between them, and a distinguishing feature at the same time,its creator, The graphic designer from passion to his craft, to make an excellent project is able to provide all that creativity to get the best results booklet.

The power of the brochures is very interesting, you can get unexpected doors open up, persuade, sell, write a story, change the perception of a company, is without any doubt an excellent tool for the world of communication.

Recommendation: Many entrepreneurs, managers or marketing communication, responsible for an assignment to a designer a number of qualities arguing about a service or product that is not really real, in the design a brochure advertising, we magnify, we can make our intentions, we can show our hand, but never under any circumstances use a brochure to argue a lie, a translating service or non-existent qualities of a real product, a brochure is a document that can have the same validity as a commercial contract, careful with our pretensions to increase sales, a lie applied to this medium can create major barriers to the credibility of a company

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brochure design, brochure design first steps

Thousands, millions .... Of brochure a daily invade the world in which we live, many think that the booklet came to an end in the Internet age, but from this post can be confirmed that the booklet is not dead and he still has a long life.

What would we do if in the future everything is digital, this technique may simply would value and we would much more advantageous value of other conventional pieces that we see in the network. Elegant, direct, and you can join us when we are not or do not want to be connected

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why we selected the company name as 4Points ?

There is only one definition of marketing. According to Philip Kotler, considered by many the "father of marketing," Marketing is a social and managerial process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services. Through its tools and strategies, marketing aims to make more known and visible a product or brand among consumers encouraging, from a few years ago, the great value that it has acquired Media Marketing.

The most important features of marketing are four, known in English as "4Ps" (4Points): Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

Is the set of tangible and intangible attributes that the company offers to the market, and represents the total benefits that consumers receive when purchasing.


The price is the amount of money the consumer is willing to pay for a particular good or service.

Includes all activities necessary to achieve a particular consumer product.

The Promotion is the set of activities to promote, advertise and make known to the market a company, its products and services.